Habits of SuccessHabits of Success: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for Learning, Work, and Life This report offers guidance for K-12 districts and schools by synthesizing the latest research and knowledge on emerging practices for: 1) developing local habits of success frameworks, 2) addressing equity and cultural considerations in implementing habits of success and lifelong learning skills, and 3) promoting …
Math Teacher’s Journey
Math Teacher’s JourneyA Mastery-Based Math Teacher’s Journey This case study highlights a high school math teacher’s successful journey of taking the steps needed to move away from traditional teaching methods to innovative pedagogies supporting mastery-based teaching and learning. Mastery-based learning (also called competency-based learning) is a shift away from traditional, one-size-fits-all teaching. Teachers ensure each student masters academic knowledge and …
Hear It from the Next Generation
Hear It from the Next Generation!Let’s Hear It from the Next Generation! Virtual Panels with Mastery Collaborative Youth Advisors What do middle and high school students wish all adults magically knew about them? You’re invited to a conversation with Mastery Collaborative Youth Advisors, cohosted by the Mastery Collaborative (MC), CompetencyWorks, and KnowledgeWorks on April 22, 2021, from 3:30 – 5:30 PM …
Deepening Project-Based Learning
Deepening Project-Based LearningDeepening Project-Based Learning: Lessons from Powerful New Research and Practice As we seek to shift the U.S. system of education toward competency-based education, project-based learning (PBL) offers a powerful strategy for greater student engagement and more authentic learning inside and outside the classroom. But does it work? And what are its implications for change at the school and …
Strengthening Relationships
Strengthening RelationshipsStrengthening Relationships and Social Emotional Learning Supports to Foster Equity and Academic Success More than ever, successful schools are laser-focused on strengthening relationships with students, bolstering social-emotional learning (SEL) supports, and guiding each student’s academic growth. These are the facets of an effective primary person model—a term for the conditions and practices that enable these goals—which help to drive …
Supporting the Learner
Supporting the LearnerSupporting the Learner Throughout Their Competency-Based Journey: Examining Tech Standards Competency-based learning is informed by learner data. But what happens to competency achievement data when a learner transitions between schools, higher education, and into the workforce? A secure, unified record is needed which reflects the skills learners have mastered. Foundations, standards groups, and government agencies have joined forces …
A Promise for Equitable Futures
A Promise for Equitable FuturesA Promise for Equitable Futures: Enabling Systems Change to Scale Educational and Economic Mobility Pathways Fewer than one in five American students follow a clear and uninterrupted path from high school through college to career. The promise of a public education is to prepare all learners to engage in, contribute to, and achieve purpose in the …
Strengthening Local Assessment Systems
Strengthening Local Assessment SystemsStrengthening Local Assessment Systems for Personalized, Proficiency-Based Education: Strategies and Tools for Professional Learning This report describes Vermont’s convenings to support schools, districts, and other education organizations seeking to create high-quality local comprehensive systems of assessments. It can serve as a resource for schools, districts, and states that are working toward improving their own assessment systems. Readers …
Science of Motivation
Science of MotivationScience of Motivation: 5 Barriers to Student Motivation and How to Fix Them In this hands-on workshop, we’ll walk through several barriers to motivation and identify strategies to help students and adults engage, persist, and reach mastery. We’ll pay particular attention to how identity, including race and socioeconomic status, impacts motivation, as well as the impact of the …
Transitioning to Remote Learning
Transitioning to Remote LearningTransitioning to Remote Learning: Free Online Professional Learning Opportunities for Teachers The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to turn to remote options to educate students. This shift has created major challenges for many who have spent little to no time teaching in an anytime, anywhere modality. This session will dive into six free, two-hour online courses for …
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