Redesigning Systems of AssessmentsRedesigning Systems of Assessments for Student-Centered Learning This issue brief explores opportunities for states under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to rethink systems of assessments, and provides recommendations for state policymakers who are ready to support student-centered teaching and learning. Assessment is essential for understanding what students have learned and for providing transparency and fairness when …
Quality and Equity by Design
Quality and Equity by DesignQuality and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase of Competency-Based Education This publication seeks to advance K-12 competency education along four key issues: quality, equity, meeting students where they are, and policy. K-12 education in the United States and across the world is at a critical point in its evolution, and the …
Leadership in Student-Centered Learning
Leadership in Student-Centered LearningExploring Key Questions about Leadership in Student-Centered Learning Environments Across the world, educators are transforming their schools to create more student-centered, equitable environments. Effective leadership is critical to the success and sustainability of this transformation. To better understand the impact of school leadership and how the role is changing in these student-centered learning environments, iNACOL conducted a discovery process …
Next Generation Learning ModelsNext Generation Learning Models for English Language Learners: Promising Practices and Considerations for Teaching and Learning The purpose of this paper is to highlight the promising practices and trends in personalized learning and competency-based education for English language learner (ELL) students. This paper shares case studies and examples from schools and programs that are currently creating personalized, competency-based learning …
In Search of Efficacy
In Search of EfficacyIn Search of Efficacy: Defining the Elements of Quality in a Competency-Based Education System This paper seeks to identify what makes up the structures of a competency-based system and launches an exploration of what we might ask or see in a competency-based district and school that would be identified as high quality. This paper explores three questions …
Personalizing Math
Personalizing MathHow Teachers Are Personalizing Math for Middle School Students Personalized learning is revolutionizing K-12 education by redesigning learning experiences to address the specific needs of each student, each day. Named by Time Magazine as one of the top 50 inventions of the year, the school-based Teach to One: Math learning model personalizes math for middle school students while ensuring students make …
Personalized Learning
Personalized LearningWhat’s Possible with Personalized Learning? An Overview of Personalized Learning for Schools, Families & Communities This paper is designed to inform schools, families and communities about the potential of personalized learning. This report describes why personalized learning matters and shows what personalized learning looks like in schools for teachers and for students. Through case studies, this paper illustrates what …
Maker Education for Teachers
Maker Education for TeachersAn Introduction to Maker Education for Teachers Maker education is about giving students access to a new class of technologies, enabling students to design, build, invent and problem solve in new and unique ways. This type of tinkering allows students to transform ideas into reality, sparks interest in STEM careers and develops growth mindset, curiosity, self-efficacy and collaborative …
Leadership for Learning
Leadership for LearningLeadership for Learning: What Is Leadership’s Role in Supporting Success for Every Student? The Center for Innovation in Education released a powerful new report, Leadership for Learning: What is Leadership’s Role in Supporting Success for Every Student?, which provides a new vision for leaders transforming education around new systems and models. This report delivers an actionable understanding of what …
Leading Change for Personalized Learning
Leading Change for Personalized LearningHow Teachers Are Leading Change for Personalized Learning How can teachers lead innovative change and create buy-in for personalized learning? What can teachers do to foster personalized learning for students and design engaging instructional activities? View this archived webinar to hear fellow leaders and educators from East Pennsboro School share their experiences and insights in leading …